Graduate Teaching Assistant
Undergraduate Course Lecturing, Austin Peay State University, Mathematics and Statistics, 2017
Fall 2017
At the start of my graduate career, my mentor professor Dr. Jackie Vogel allowed me to co-lecture her College Algebra section and assist her with online Statistics Course. In the College Algebra course, I lectured every Friday and did any grading needed for the course. Towards the end of the semester, I began to teach Monday and Friday as well as wrote the penultimate and final exam. In the statistics course, I served as a discussion facilitator and handled quiz grading.
Spring 2018
During my second semester, the college algebra section was completely handed over to me where I will lecture for both days of the week that the section met. This will include writing tests (with the Instructor of Record’s approval of tests), grading, lecturing, and hosting review sessions for the final.